Oh my goodness the gaps in writing have extended! My blog contact was interrupted last week, and I think that was as a result of me getting used to the shift in the Season.
I embrace the Autumn /Fall Season, and love the changes it brings - the good and the not so good. There is a mellowness; there is reflection , contrasting skies and some very changeable weather.
I have been busy weaving shawls on my floor loom - photos to follow on instagram pics. The numbers of visitors to the island are now slowly reducing, but this is a natural turning in the year. I have applauded all those who have been able to come this year, and mourned with those others who have been unable to make their often annual journey to our beautiful peaceful landscape. Now there is a sense of the resident islanders getting set for the coming Winter.
Ordering :-
For those of you are thinking of purchasing any of my products for the coming Season, please place an order ASAP. I am not able to hold large levels of stock, (most of the items are unique one-offs,) but I can take commissions, so please give me as much notice as you can.
I wish you all health and strength, and a good dose of humour especially over the next month or so.
With love