2021 :- March 30th.
March is almost through now and we are still in the midst of light changing and Spring presenting itself. There are such stops and starts going on. The clocks have changed to summertime mode a few days ago, but since then it has been cold wet and grey with little sign of the longer brighter days….but I know they are coming.
The island is buzzing with change, a natural shift at this time of year, getting ready for the Season (whatever it will turn out to be). There is positivity that this summer season will be an improvement on last, but I personally can not wait till my N.American and European friends can come over again.
This week I made a scarf in the ‘old style’ - a long striped scarf with a blending of blues and turquoise colours, and stocked up on some previously sold favourites. I continue to do a lot of research, both with wool and weaving product ideas and with future building. It is at this ‘opening up’ time of the year that I always seem to wonder why I did not use the winter months better. Hindsight is wonderful, but I also believe everything works in right timing, so as they say “we are where we are” !
I look forward to a good Season, to creating many new and inspired weavings, and to having great communication with you all.
Happy Easter to you all.
Love Moya.