MAY 19th. - The new scarf that is in process at present (see latest photo on instagram pictures below) is made on my little Ashford loom. These looms are called “knitters looms”; they come in a couple of sizes and are also for sale through the Threads of Iona Site. I can not recommend them enough! I have made well over a hundred scarfs and many wall hangings on this little loom. If you are interested in purchasing a new loom for yourself please make contact with me and I will give you more information. 

GIFT CARD :- Check out the new Gift Card shown at the top of the Shop ‘ALL’ section. It is a perfect way to send a present to a friend, letting them have the choice of colour, size, and product themselves. There are three different prices to choose from in a drop-down box, and then the Gift Card goes through to the shopping cart like any other item.

